Monday, December 27, 2010

Whoo Hoo.

As Usual my In-Loves spoiled me for Christmas. I am so happy with my treasures that I have to take a few moments to brag about them!

Most of you know I started running this summer and had hopes of doing a 5k to get me going for a half marathon by next spring. I was doing really good for several months, lost weight, got motivated, did a fun run and then Avery got a virus and was out for several weeks and I couldn't get the free time to go run so I haven't been running in over a month now! I also had one serious shoes. The running shoes I had were from my sophomore year in HIGH SCHOOL. Yeah, been awhile since I bought sneakers and they were not the best for me in my runs. Well, I officially get to throw them away now!
These were under the tree for me!!! Adidas Women's Marathon 10 Running Shoes. Is it weird to say I am in love with a pair of running shoes?! I did a lot of research and it was between these and a pair of New Balance I liked and seemed most suited for. They are so comfortable and breath so much! I got them a half size up like I read so many reviews for and am so glad I got them in that size! I just can't believe my In-Loves knew what to get me (The power of Amazon wish lists I suppose..) I haven't tested them out yet but I am so eager too! Evan got a pair of PUMA running shoes too and he wants to start running all I need is a sitter or a running stroller for Avery.

I also got this amazing gadget I have yet to own in my kitchen!!!

Yup, a PINK food processor. I have so many recipes I haven't been able to use at home because I didn't have a food processor. Needless to say I may want to reopen my foodie blog now since I'll be in the kitchen even more than usual.

I also got these cool gifts from my loved ones, again I am one spoiled  loved woman.

So Needless to say I was on the GOOD list this year. :)

Evans Aunt and cousin fly in today and his uncle and other cousin are driving in later in the evening so we're getting a belated Christmas gift since we don't get to see them often. Plus, we're going to see our sweet friends the Richardsons who moved away to Pittsburgh so this week will be a wonderful one full of events.

On the Evan front- Pray for him as he continues to let Gods will be down. Things are already taking shape and I am praying to be patient and not get my hopes up too much. Whatever happens is meant to happen and I am proud of my husband regardless of the outcome and soon I'll be able to share some of the big changes taking shape for our family.

I hope you all were Blessed with wonderful traditions, family time and lots of food and laughter this Christmas, hard to believe the New year is less than a week away!

Blessings & Love-

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve!

We had our own Christmas this morning just the 3 of us and it was such a fun time. Avery got lots of leapfrog stuff (Daddy LOVES leapfrog) and books, my child loves books, it's quite ridiculous but I love it. She's starting to figure out letters and sound out words but I think the only reason she can read along with us on a few of her favorites is simply because we read them so much!

So many new little ones have arrived this week! Literally, we've had 4 friends have babies this week, 2 of which were today!! Makes me so happy. Lots of things happened this week that I want to share but for now with the holidays I don't feel like it's right. Please just pray for Evan and I. We're waiting for some news that could be good or bad and will have a huge impact on us for the coming new year. We've gotten a lot of family time this week though of just the 3 of us, sometimes forget how great that is.

Hope you have a blessed Christmas. Remember that a child was born, a son was given and our debts were paid forever.

Picture post to come soon.  Could this post be anymore random?!

In closing, I wish to share one of my favorite songs during this holiday season. I love it so much and just sing it out when I hear it. :)

Here With Us- Joy Williams

It's still a mystery to me
That the hands of God could be so small,
How tiny fingers reaching in the night
Were the very hands that measured the sky

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven's love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Son of God, Servant King,
You're here with us
You're here with us

It's still a mystery to me, oh,
How His infant eyes have seen the dawn of time
How His ears have heard an angel's symphony,
But still Mary had to rock her Savior to sleep

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven's love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Son of God, Servant King
Here with us
You're here with us
(Ohh, mmm, here with us)

Jesus the Christ, born in Bethlehem
A baby born to save, to save the souls of man

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Heaven's love reaching down to save the world
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Son of God, Servant King
You're here with us
You're here with us

Blessings and Lots of LOVE,
Brittnye & Co.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Avery Claire.

Avery is officially 2 today!
Where has the time gone?! It is super hard to believe that my sweet sweet girl was being knitted in my womb and into my heart 2 years ago. It's hard to imagine what she looked like when she 1st smiled at me, said her first word, cut her first tooth and had no hair on her beautiful round head. I say all that and yet they are imprinted on my heart and mind forever.

How Blessed she has truly made me and her daddy...

December 19, 2008 @ 4:49pm
6lbs. 5.9oz 18in. Long

 6 months old and taking life in like a sponge.

 December 19, 2009
1 Years Old Already!!

 1.5 going on 3!!

 Happy 2nd Birthday Cuppycake.

I'll be sure to post more updated pictures on my FB so be sure to check them out.

I asked Avery how old she was going to be yesterday and she sat for a minute looking at her fingers before smiling brightly and proclaiming with the right number of fingers up "I FOUR!", I corrected her by saying "You wish you were four, try again." in which she shrugged and said but would not show me with her fingers "I two, I two momma?" in which I just hugged her and said "yeah, you will be two but you know you'll always be my baby though, right?!" in response I got a tantrum with head shaking, tears, screeching, the works as she pouted that she was "TWO, I TWO!"

Yup, you are indeed a two year old.

To our sweet Avery Claire-
You were our miracle of life, an answered prayer and indeed a bright light in the dark. We couldn't be more thankful and humble to our Lord for giving us you. You complete us in so many ways. You teach us the beauty of innocence and the joy of pure, unselfish love. You make us laugh til we cry and cry til we laugh. You enrich all who know you and have a sweet spirit. I hope we never fail you in teaching you the ways of right and wrong and may you grow up to be a leader in Christ to your friends and an outstanding person of your own making.

Mom, Dad, Nina, Papaw,Gramme, Pops, Grandma, Great-Oma, Uncles (Jarrod, Jonathon & Josh), Aunties (Sarah,Jackye & Desi) and cousins (Chevy & Krystal)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

She makes me giggle.

If I could get it to rotate, I would. Sorry.

She cracks me up, it's bad enough we watch the same 3 movies over the day when we're home but now she quotes them and sings the songs which has caused me to hide them and turn the TV off. However, Wall-E is an acception because mommy hasn't gotten tired of it (Yet.). This is her singing the intro to Wall-E in all her off key, garbled word glory.

I love her. :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Time after Time

I should have made sure to say the previous list was not complete, I left a lot out but I think anyone who read my post gets the gist, WE'RE BUSY!

I must give myself some kudos, I somehow managed to mail out over 50 Christmas cards this week!!! That's like, 3 weeks earlier than I normally get around to doing it! I still have to order more which just amazes me and Evan since we never truly realized how blessed we were with such a LARGE number of family and dear, sweet friends all over the nation. I've enjoyed sending them out this year, brings joy to my heart to think of the family I'm sending it to and how much I love them for being in my life. Just another perk of this holiday season.

We have NYE plans in the works which I am excited about, I've never gone out to celebrate the New Year and this year looks to be a lot of fun. I think we'll just make it out anniversary outing too. Hard to believe we're about to celebrate 5 years of marriage! I feel old saying that for some odd reason but it just doesn't seem like it's been 5 years.
April 2005- Engagement Shot

October 2010
The Old Couple Shot HAHA

Guess that's all that's on my mind for now. I just felt like rambling.

Have a WONDERFUL Sunday.
Love & Blessings,
Britt & Co.

Friday, December 3, 2010

I'll keep it brief....for now.


Yikes, Why does this time of year always seem to fly by and pop out of nowhere?  It's late and I am exhausted from teh Denton Tree Lighting Festival and will be AFB for about a week so here's why....kinda.

  • Evans doing a contract job with the airport, more hours lots of extra $$ which is a BLESSING. Pray for his sanity and mine as our schedules get stretched furthur away from one another.
  • Austin Road Trip Next Weekend with my 3 craziest friends.
  • I just realized there's no way I can go on this trip due to the MDO Christmas Program being on the 12th D'OH!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Christmas Party @ MDO on the 16th.
  • MDO Teachers and Hubby Christmas Party on the 18th.
  • Avery 2nd Birthday shindig (no party this year just family) on the 18th.
  • AVERY TURNS 2 ON THE 19th. (I'm crying already)
  • Averys 2 year check-up= shots. ugh on the 20th
  • Suprise for the parentals sometime before Dec 23rd. (They have spies who read my blog, can't say what it is yet)
  • WEEK OF CHRISTMAS CHAOS. (I better see some friends this week)
  • Christmas!
  • Play date with some lovoly HS friends on the 29th.
  • 5 Year Wedding Anniversay on the 30th (wow, I feel old).

So you see, life is blessedly BUSY. I hope yours is as well.

Blessings & Love,
Brittnye & Co.
The only Festival picture I got before we had to leave tonight.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year.

Is it just me or is it something about Thanksgiving that puts you in a mellow type mood for 48 hours after it takes place? Maybe it's just the turkey coma talking but I hardly did anything at all today due to the lack of energy to do it! How on earth do those crazy black friday advocates do it?! They frighten me anyway, anyone who can be so determined to get an item on sale for a whopping 10% discount in the middle of the night or even camp out for days are not to be messed with. People have been killed over black friday items, that's just insanity at it's best.

Bless you retail employees for dealing with it all!

I had a good Thanksgiving, full of stress, running late, family drama (My brother refused to come with us last minute) and a fussy toddler but overall I think I'm just overly sensitive these days and am doing my best to ignore my negative feelings at least for my family side of the day. Evans family was very low key and laid back and after all the stress and rushing to get to my dad and step moms it was a nice change of pace to end the day. I'll share a few photos that I posted on FB already, I didn't take too many this year. But first I'll share this quick video of Jarrod pushing Avery around, she cracks up so much. and sorry the quality is not that good.

and a few pictures...
My Sweet Girl is getting so BIG.

Avery LOVES her baby cousin, Krystal.

7th Thanksgiving together.

Monday I'll start putting up decorations and the tree, last year I boycotted it with Avery learning to walk I could only imagine the chaos. This year however, I am more than excited to get into the holiday spirit and start teaching Avery about Baby Jesus's birth as well as Santa Claus. My idea is to gradually add decorations over the week but get the tree done overnight with Evans help so she'll see it in the morning. then start noticing the increase of nutcrackers and lights.

Christmas will be here before we're ready for it. On top of that my sweet girl will be 2 on the 19th. It boggles my mind how she can already be so big and entering the toddler phases of life (more like running by them). I'm also caving. Averys hair is beyond out of control with so many odd layers and degrees of thickness...I'm getting it cut so it can start growing faster and in the same length. Pray for me friends, I know it's just hair but it's a part of her, therefore it's a treasure and I waited soooo long for it to come in and's just a mess I can barely keep styled.

I'll leave with a question. What's 1 Christmas wish you have and 1 thing you want for Christmas? I may post my top 5 things later in December. Apparently, I'm hard to buy for or so my family and husband say and I got all 3 of us a Amazon Wishlist to help them out but I seriously hate making a list of things I want, I feel guilty! I'm so not a good gift receiver, I always feel awkward and don't know how to react or what to say because I don't like being suprised and as I have now stated 3 times, I feel guilty.

Have a wonderful Post Thanksgiving weekend.
Britt & Co.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thankful Pt.3

Today is THANKSGIVING. I'm going to finish my Thankful list and then post another entry for today after it's officially over (why I am up at 2:30am is beyond me).

  • Day 15- I am THANKFUL for God's Creativity: Driving my commute from Fort Worth to Denton I pick up little pieces of just how creative God can be. The changing of the leaves from season to season with such vivid and eye catching colors, to wonderful tapestry like sunsets and a wide variety of wildflowers in bloom all make you wonder how he did it all.

  • Day 16- I am THANKFUL for Laughter and the simple joys in life.

  • Day 17- I am THANKFUL for my Blog. Having a little space all for myself to vent, blab, ponder, share and enjoy the same from sweet friends is an escape for me as well as a fountain of wisdom and helpful dose of staying in the know with some VIP's and I love it.

  • Day 18- I am THANKFUL for my Kittos. Paris and Gus have been my confidants, crying companions, parenting skill trainer, loyal companions, alarm clocks and selfless affection hoggers for 5 years. They are so different from one another but both have unique personalities and I know to some they are just cats but these two are my fur-children and have been with me through thick and thin and have picked me up when I was down and made me mad when I was apparently too happy :P. No matter what's going on I know I am needed by them and that's a comfort.

  • Day 19- I am THANKFUL for CARBS. Yeah, I said it. I can never turn down an amazing fresh bread. Who cares about calories or fat. Enjoy life. Eat Bread.

  • Day 20- I am THANKFUL for Music. Sometimes a Song can say what we can't and other times a song can take us back down memory lane or put in to perspective something we couldn't. It has the ability to soothe us and move us.

  • Day 21- I am THANKFUL for TEACHERS. I'll share a few who influenced me growing up: Ms. Donna Larusso (Schroader), Ms. Judy Palermo, Mrs. Susan O'Rear, Ms. Pam Lane, Mrs. Susan Curtis, Mr. Paul Tagliabue, Mr. Mark Baker, Ms. Cheryl Ellis, Mr. Joel Hayes, Mrs. Jeanean Abney, Mr. Scott Gibson, Ms.Georgeanne Burlage, Mr. Doc Bowman(RIP), Mr. Luke Frels, Mr. Tracy Heron, Mr. Mark Kammon. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. For all you do and have done for all the students you have had and to all the teachers out there who are making a difference in a childs life.

  • Day 22- I am THANKFUL to live in The United States of America.

  • Day 23- I am THANKFUL for the roof over my head. It may not be the best place, it may be small and cramped but it keeps me warm, safe, dry and gives me a place to call home and a place to raise my daughter and to make memories for her to cherish when she is older.

  • Day 24- I am THANKFUL for YOU.

  • Day 25- I am THANKFUL for THANKSGIVING. To help remind me once a year just how richly blessed I am in life and how Thankful I am to have such amazing people surrounding me with love and wisdom, friendship and laughter and how it helps me to not lose those things for which can easily be taken for granted.

Blessings, Love and lots of Turkey today,
Britt & Co.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thankful Pt.2

Thursday at MDO are Chapel days. The kids come and gather in the "story pit" as I like to call it and they sing a few chapel songs and then Chas (Youth Pastor) teaches them a story from the bible. It often encites a batch of odd conversations semi-about the story and the rest about things that ADD provoked but it always makes me smile.
This past Thursday Chas was MIA so Heather (the MDO director) stepped in and read the children a book about Thanksgiving. Before reading the book she asked the kids "What are we Thankful for?" in which several kids raised their hands and eagerly shared what they were Thankful for..."My puppy" was one answer..."My mom and Dad" another chimed in..."My brother" from another kid and then...the best answer of all from a 3 year old little girl "Spaceships."

Day 8:  I'm THANKFUL for mornings I get to sleep in.

Day 9: I'm THANKFUL for my friends. I don't have a large number of close friends, but I do know there are a lot of good people, near and far, who I can count on, who care about me, and who want only the best for me. I truly value my friends and will never have "enough" or too many.

Day 10: I'm THANKFUL for knowing when to quit: I like knowing that I'm able to walk away from things that don't make me happy or aren't satisfying. Sometimes it takes a while to come to terms with "quitting," but I'm glad I've had the guts to do it when it has really mattered.

Day 11: I'm THANKFUL for TODAY.

Day 12: I'm THANKFUL for having a supportive brother who made a road trip now one of my favorite memories of him and I. Not to mention the conversations and assurance that I'm not a complete failure as a sister, just misunderstood at times.

Day 13: I'm THANKFUL for Pumpkin flavored, pie, kolaches, lotion, candles, etc.

Day 14: I'm THANKFUL for Home cooked meals. Nothing more I love than Nan's Chicken Noodle Soup or her meatloaf or...well, any of her meals, she cooks from this really old book and the meals she cooks are always some of the best comfort foods I get spoiled by on the weekends.

Until the next round-
                                                                   Blessings & Love,
                                                                                      Britt & Co.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

When you are down to nothing, God is up to something.

It is amazing how a bad week can influence a series of uplifting events. I feel like I have been through the ringer lately and yet, here I am. Chin up, eyes dry, smile in place, joy in my heart and peace in my soul.

I've come to realize I have friends I never knew I had, or rather, people have come to our aid that I never thought were even paying attention to us or our struggles. I've cried buckets this week, prayed like it was going out of style and had some pretty intense quiet times.

I've also come to realize I am entirely too dependant on myself in hard situations and need to learn when to hand it over to someone else instead of  allowing myself to drown. I'm not alone.

I'll spare you wonderful readers a nagging, negative blog post but know I feel your prayers, I've read and cried over your e-mails, letters, cards and encouraging text messages and FB post. I'm We're grateful and THANKFUL to be so richly blessed with amazing people in our lives to show us God's grace and Love when we (in our human nature) sometimes forget it's there.

JOB 11: 17 & 18
 Life will be brighter than noonday, and darkness will become like morning. You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety.

I'll end this update with my Thankful list (I'll post in mass since I am only on a computer once a week) as well as a new picture to enjoy.


Day 1- I am THANKFUL for a wonderful husband/soulmate/bestfriend who loves me unconditionally, who supports me in everything and who is my strength when I am weak.  10 Years of  friendship, 7 years of togetherness, 5 years of marriage and 2 years as parents. Evan, you make me whole.

Day 2- I am THANKFUL for the gift of motherhood. For the blessing that is Avery, she makes me live, she makes me have dreams and teaches me more than I ever thought. Her smile is my sunlight, her laughter my joy and I'd be lost without her. How you blessed my life Cuppycake. I do it all with God's guidance in your upbringing and can only pray I do him and you proud.

Day 3- I am THANKFUL for hard times. They teach me my strength and weaknesses, they show me my faith at it's worst and best. They help define me and teach me that I can live through them with my head held high.

Day 4- I am THANKFUL for FAMILY. Through blood or marriage I love you and am Thankful you are in my life.

Day 5- I am THANKFUL for my siblings. Jonathon, Joshua, Desiree, Jackye & Jarrod. You are all wonderfully unique and I love you each in different ways. You know me through and through and support me as I do you. I hope you know I am here for you always and don't know how I'd manage without your friendship and love.

Day 6- I am THANKFUL for Jesus's sacrifice on the cross so that I may live. For God's love in sending him and for his relationship in my heart and soul. I once was lost but now am found and my debt knows no bounds.

Day 7- I am THANKFUL for the men and women who serve in the military of this great nation. To fight for my freedom and that of many others so that my rights as an American are intact as the founding fathers of this country deemed so many years ago is a blessing to me. THANK YOU for your pride, your passion, your selflessness and dedication.

Blessings & Love,
Britt & Co.

Playing Catch Up.

Currently playing catch up on everyone's blogs.

How I miss our Macbook.


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Finding the Silver Lining in the middle of the night.

Well, round one of Avery's costume is complete. She and it both survived the church's fall festival with only a few cupcakes gone MIA. I'll take it. There were some tears when putting it all on, I think she was overwhelmed with all the pink and she let Evan and I know she wasn't happy with us making her wear it all by refusing to do anything for us at the festival. Thank goodness for my in-loves, they took her around the majority of the time and she played games and got some candy in return. She was WORN OUT by the time we got back to their house and after a bath she didn't put much of a fuss to go to bed. We all watched the Ranger came before though, we would have kept her up from all our yelling anyways. :) Here's a few pictures....

The Cupcake Fairy's Wings.

Playing some games for candy!
(I bought the wings at wal*mart, cut out paper cupcakes and glued them to her wings, tutu and shoes)
Not too bad right?

Tomorrow we aren't going to do much for Halloween, we're going by a few close friends homes on our way back to Fort Worth for Avery to trick-or-treat at. So far when I get her to try practicing saying "Trick-or-treat" she just shrugs and screams "I Cute!" *Sigh* She's so my daughter.

I can hardly believe that Monday will be NOVEMBER. This year is starting to fly by and it's about to get crazy busy for us but at the same time, I'm welcoming it because it's the start of a new chapter. We're so ready to let all the negative of this year and more so of this season just be gone and done with.

Evan and I have had a hard time staying positive with our struggles financially as of late but one thing remains firm...we do not let Avery see us at our weak moments. She has no idea what's going on with us and that's all I can hope for. I hope she never knows our struggle to bring food home or keep electricity on or how we boil water on the stove to give her a hot bath because we can't afford our gas bill. I hope she never remembers the nights daddy doesn't come in until close to 10pm because he's working late after school so he can try to get more money for us. It hurts to see Evan have this pressure on him when we're both trying so hard. I know it'll pass, I know it's temporary but it's scary to think we don't know how we're going to make ends meet from one week to the next, it's scary to know you have no savings but you have a family and life is ALWAYS unpredictable.

Oh well, nothing to stay sad over, we'll get by like we have the past month (which still amazes me how we've pulled it off and THAT can only be a God thing). I just pray (selfishly) that we can overcome this before Avery's birthday and Christmas, I'd hate to have to cancel her birthday or have a tree with nothing to give her or Evan under it. That'll break my heart and I KNOW that's so ridiculous because it's not about the material me, I am beyond humbled in the blessings God has given me and I still get overwhelmed when I hear Evan and Avery giggling in another room , or when Avery snuggles with me and whispers she loves me or even just whispers my name with her nose pressing mine. I am rich in blessings, my cup runneth over and that's the only reason my head is still semi-held up with dealing with the scariness of our situation right now.

Which must be obvious because so many people are shocked when they find out what's going on with us. We don't really scream out "We're in need!" in public. I've been reading Isaiah and Proverbs this past week and am searching for the lesson Gods giving me in my life right now. I know this is all part of it and in the end my reaction and how I handle it will be a reflection of my walk with Christ so there's no way I'm taking the chicken way out of it all.

Alright, soapbox time is officially over, just be mindful in your prayers of us please.

You know your getting old when it's barely 11pm on a Saturday night (All Hallows Eve at that) and your about to pass out from sleepiness. We're in for a treat at church in the morning with a country christian band "Branded" doing the morning service at MSBC.I'm looking forward to it. As well as fixing Averys outfit again and going to our friends places tomorrow night.

My sister will be here next Saturday through the 16th and I'm so happy.  I'll get to get some things done while she's here and willing to watch Avery (spoil her more like it) as well as that means after she leaves we're a week from Missouri. Oh, to get out of dodge for a bit and go on a road trip to be with some amazing people is just what my spirit needs!

Happy Halloween Everyone! Be Safe and have fun.

Blessings & Love,
Britt & Co.

I think I jinxed myself.

Been awhile since I last got a moment to Blog. Life has yet again been an adventure. Needless to say I haven't been able to be near or on a computer in almost 3 weeks thanks to Avery, Evan and myself being sick.

Back to the drawing board.

Quick updates:
* Fall Festival Today. I semi-made Averys costume, she's a cupcake fairy. (Pics to come)
*Halloween is Tomorrow!
* I haven't ran or walked or worked out in 3weeks, kill me now, this is going to be torture all over again!
*Lots of bad junk hitting Evan and I and much Prayer would be appreciated. I'm sure we've been hit worse but this round of "Hard Times" has even me worried about how we're going to manage through the rest of this year.
*That last thing is not marriage related just FYI. We're great! :)
* My sister will be down from NC the 6th-16th.
*Thanksgiving in Missouri!!!!!!!!!!!!
*HP comes out soon. *squeel*

I'll give a better update before tomorrow (hopefully).

Blessings & Love.
    Britt & Co.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lesson Learned.

 We have had such low-key weeks with Evan and Avery recovering from being sick that I eagerly awaited the weekend to head to Denton and actually get out of my house! Plus, we've had things to do for once and a social life makes me a happy girl.

Avery and I joined some pals at the Flower Mound Pumpkin Village on Friday. We had such a good time but when lunch time came around Avery got hay fever so bad and was a miserable mess. we rushed to wal*mart for some allergy relief and she slept the following 4 hours. I felt so bad for her. We were going to go to the big Pumpkin Patch in Flower Mound on Tuesday but I'm thinking we'll skip it now that I've seen what happens to her when she's around lots of hay.

We had our professional photo-session yesterday and Avery was a little stinker the majority of the time! She didn't want to sit with us, didn't want to be held, didn't want to smile at all but she did want to run off, throw tantrums and ignore our pleas like crazy...*sigh* Toddlers. Thank goodness we're friends with Sarah and Drew and they know we're not horrible parents with a bratty child. I can not appreciate them and their patience enough from yesterday. Sarah is so talented and sweet with Avery, I know we'll have several good shots to choose from.

The only bad thing I can say that happened yesterday was an accident with Evan and Avery, she was being super wiggly in his arms and when he tried to adjust his hold she fell out of his arms and landed on the ground....daddy being 6'2 it was quite a fall in right in front of Sarah, Drew and myself...Evan felt HORRIBLE and it was the 1st time he's dropped her whereas I have dropped her a few times but have usually caught her mid fall to let her slid down me instead. Bless his heart, he felt so bad the rest of the day. She is sporting a slight bruise on her temple and a patchy raw spot on her face... here's a pic.
her left eye and cheek were just a tad swollen and below her left eye you can see where she scrapped the ground, her bruise is covered by her hairline luckily. This pic was 2 hours after it happend.

After the fall she let us hold her and actually cooperated with us to get some shots, it was close to the end of the shoot and she very tired. She passed out on the way to lunch and was snoring before we left the drive-thru.

We then enjoyed the UNT Homecoming Parade from Nan & Gary's bedroom. Having in-laws live on the square has a lot of perks and this was just one of them. Avery loved it! Nan snuck out the camera and took lots of candids of us with her (which are posted on FB) I'm so glad she did this, such a sweet moment to have captured of my little family. Plus, Avery was all smiles for Nana once she noticed the camera was in her hand but for our early shoot....Pfft. Yeah right. Again, what a stinker!!!
My little fam-fam checking out the parade..I love her hand on my she claims me...and I love how she looks like a hot-mess thanks to her McDonalds happy meal and a sprite to get her all hyped up.

Posing for Nana.

Jarrod showed up and ended up staying for the evening which was a delight, I know Evan sure enjoyed getting bro time in and Avery just adores her Uncle Jarrod. It was a nice quiet evening  with the 4 of us while N&G went to a funeral and then out with friends (which I must say is about dang time for them to get some fun time).

I hope you all enjoy the rest of this weekend and have a great week. Not to mention the Rangers won and the Cowboys seem to be doing better today as well so it's a good end to the weekend. We're supposed to get some rain this week and I for one am looking forward to it. Bring on the cooler temps as well.

Love & Blessings,
Britt & Co.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Love is......

Two Hearts Becoming One.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wait...let me catch my breath!

Seems that way in my mind anyways. Things have been BUSY here and I feel like I am always trying to just get a minute to catch my breath before going on the run again. LOVE IT.

Poor Avery had a bad virus and was out for 8 long, miserable days with anything you can think of for symptoms, I barely got sleep let alone a chance to be clean longer than an hour before we were both back in the tub. She cut 4 teeth on top of the virus, I mean seriously?! Can the girl just get a cold and be done? Seems like anytime she gets sick she gets hit hard and it takes awhile for her to recover from it.

Evan caught something and was out for 2 days with flu-like symptoms, needless to say Dr. Mom was on call 24/7 and then Mrs. Clean (I'm witty, I know) was on night duty (my only free time) being a spokesperson for all things lysol and clorox branded. My house smelled top-notch sterile. Gus & Paris were not amused nor happy with me, thier little noses seemed to be permanently stuck in that "I smell poopy" face. :)

Speaking of fur-babies. The Hartfield family pet, Matthew passed away last friday 2 days after Evan and I had agreed to bring him back with us from Missouri  when we go up at Thanksgiving, he was having some problems at his "college-home" that seemed like rebellion but I think (since it's not quite written in stone how he passed away) that he had kidney failure. He was 16 years old!!! That's quite a life for a cat.

A few pics of Matt & Evan:
He had the personality of a grumpy old man. hehe

So that was our sad news of the week, went from one e-mail about him needing to come back to Texas and was followed 2 days later with the news of his passing. :(

Other than my family being out with sickness and Matts death I haven't had much of a life. I went out on 3 runs last week (LOVING IT) and saturday I even went on my roof and cut all the low lying branches my landlord has promised to remove for over a year ( I felt all Moxie!) on top of laundry and cleaning....oh the joys of domestication. :)

Tomorrow, Avery and I are off to a Pumpkin patch...actually the same one we took these at

If only I could have bottled her up last year when she was at this much cuteness.
Sadly, due to finances we won't be doing Halloween or a costume this year but I have found a cute orange and black PJ set she may wear on the night of.

So yay for the pumpkin patch tomorrow and then Saturday we're doing our Family Pictures!!! I am beyond excited for these! oooooooooh so excited. Then a farewell party Saturday night for a dear friend moving to Hong Kong (That makes 2 now, hmmm) and then going back to church after 2 weeks away...BUSY BUSY BUSY I tell ya.

Hope you enjoyed my nothing-ness of an entry. :)

Love & Blessings,
Britt & Co.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

ParentHood = Worries

Tonight I went and saw a sneak preview of the movie "Life as we know it".

I wasn't expecting much besides a little alone time and the coolness of seeing a movie a week before it came out but instead I laughed like I haven't in a long time and cried more than I'd like in a public place. Being a mommy I could totally relate to the characters as they learned how to raise a 1 year old and it made me feel like I was in the cool club since I've been there and done that and wished that hadn't happened at times....

It also gave me a very uneasy feeling of not having a plan so to speak....It's no secret that in the movie this precious little girls parents are both killed in an accident and left to be cared for by 2 single mutual friends of her parents..I knew that going in but it still hit me hard....I sobbed so hard during this part of the movie and felt heartsick...What if something like that were to happen to Evan and I? Who would take care of Avery? What would happen with her?

When we were in our third trimester I remember our insurance lady calling and asking how I was doing and wondering if we'd like to look into making out our wills so things could be done in preparation for our new life chapter...Evan and I laughed about that phone call because we couldn't fathom anything happening to us so young and at the same time....but then Avery was born. You instantly fall in love with your baby the moment you see their tiny face, you feel a sense of obligation and pride and you indistinctly want to protect them from all the bad things in the world. Your attitude and views change I mean....having a child is life altering in so many ways (all positive!). We hadn't even left the hospital when Evan and I started talking about who we'd want as Avery's God-parents, who we'd want to raise her if something should happen to us, what we wanted her to grow up knowing, the kind of schools and interest she should have to help nurture her etc.etc.etc.

She has a wonderful God-father and God-mother but they don't seem to be into kids at all, they rarely see her and we rarely see them and they never ask about her unless we bring her up which we do all the time because we'll..we're parents. However, in the 21months of Avery's life we have made so many new friends, we've grown apart from others we wished we hadn't and also some we were thankful to part from.

Maybe we're too old fashioned here? Is this something most parents already sort out before they even have children? Do you parents out their have a plan in case something happens? It was always my thought that God-Parents were the ones you would want your child to look up to and be the ones to raise your child if heaven forbid something happened to you both but I don't think in our situation that that would be a good thing for either side. The movie also pointed out a very true thing of...the two people never knew they were chosen by the parents and they never agreed to doing it but they did it because they loved the little girl.....I don't want to burden someone with that! 

Evan and I are going to sit down and make out our wills soon and look into a trust fund to start putting money in for Avery for college and what-not but I just can't help wondering who we could put under the subject line of raising Avery if something should happen to us both and thanks to this movie it worries me to not have a plan for her even though it's HIGHLY unlikely that Evan and I would both go together and leave her alone.

I could cry just thinking about it let alone the movie, which I may add is a really good movie and I highly recommend it because it's funny and so realistic and you get swept into it which is what movies are supposed to do to you.

Life is Precious.

Love & Blessings,
Britt & Co.

October is here!

Ohhh how I love all things October.

-Fall Weather
-Harvest foods
-Candy corn
-Fall colors
-The beginning of the holiday season

I'm so excited about this month. Not so much all it entails for us but because of whats just around the corner with November and December. How'd this year fly by so suddenly?

This months plans:
*Scentsy Party (Succesfully had last night, online orders are still available through Monday HERE )
* Family Pictures the 16th with the lovoly Sarah Vermillion, Check out her website
* 3 different Pumpkin patches.
* Weekend Trip to Oklahoma
* Fall Festival
* Halloween
* Possible trip to Abilene to see the Stewarts
*Pumpkin Day at MDO
* Donuts with Dad at MDO
* Avery's First Dentist Appointment
*Play-dates on Wed.

Busy, Busy, Busy. I love it though.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The King's Speech -- Movie Trailer

I really want to see this movie. :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

TMI for all non-parents but I'm a proud momma!

I was so busy with getting ready for Laps for Little Ones that I totally forgot to mention how we officially started...POTTY TRAINING...Yes, potty training has begun thanks to Avery being very insistent that she can use her "potty" like a big girl.

I think Evan and I should have really thought out what she would do when we showed her the princess potty seat her aunt Desi sent her for Valentine's Day this year a few weeks ago (It's been hidden in the towel closet since Feb.)  a week after Evan took it out of the packaging and showed Avery how it went on the toilet she decided to bring it to me along with her diaper in her hand and announce "I Potty?". Now, my first thought was "where did you potty?" and began an odd search of my  floors for any puddles she may have left me as clues but she kept saying behind my back in each room "I potty?" so I stopped and just nonchalantly asked her "Do you want to go potty like a big girl?" and in the usual Avery shocker way she turned and ran to the bathroom and put the potty seat on the toilet and waited for me to give her a lift.

Why does she have to be so dang smart? I'm totally not ready to potty train her and I was sure we could hold off for a few more months but daughter has yet again taken the lead and surpassed her father and I's plans for her. We sat in the bathroom for a few minutes and she finally wanted down and the rest of our Monday was spent with me asking her every hour or so if she wanted to sit on the potty. By the end of the day she had successfully went tee-tee in the big girl potty!!!! So of course I snapped a picture...I am after all THAT mom.

We're now on week 2 and so far I have convinced her not to take off her diaper on her own (stickers are a WONDERFUL incentive) and we have gone tee-tee several times in the potty. She has 2 books by her potty seat ready when she is and she is even starting to tell Evan and I when she is "shooey" or asks for a diaper which is very new for her. We've yet to go "shooey" in the potty because Avery is terrified to do that in the big girl potty. She kept telling Evan she was shooey and grunting like she needed to but when he would put her on the potty she would cry and cling to him and repeat "no, no, no" as soon as she was put off the potty she would go shooey...we're not going to rush that, especially since I wasn't ready to start this process until December!

Any advice out there for the masters of the potty? I'm thinking about starting her in training pants at home next week and letting her choose if she want to wear a diaper or pull up when we go out. I'm not ready for panties(just at home) yet because she has shown no interest in them and again, I do not want to rush this process. She's doing good now at her own pace and since she started this I think I like going it her way.

Sorry for the TMI-ness but I'm a mom, it's what I do 24/7 and the little things get me excited and sad all at the same time. Plus, my week was very bad and this was the highlight so you can see where this blog could have gone. :)

Have a GREAT week, go outside, enjoy the FALL weather and be Happy!
Blessings & Love,
Britt & Co.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The First Shirt is the coolest.....

I warned about the new addiction in my earlier post and well....Evan and I have caught the bug.

The T-shirt race shirt bug that is!!

Laps for little ones was wonderful. Evan did 12 laps in 44 minutes while I stopped at 11 laps at around 42 minutes. Of my 11 I ran 4!!! Um, yeah, that's a mile! whoo hoo. I admit I was very timid to run furthur due to how hot is was outside. Usually my saturday runs are done at 6:30am before the sun is up and it's not nearly so steamy, I also didn't run much this week (be honest Britt, you walked all week). So I was not ready to just run the entire thing like a crazed person. Still, for my first running/walking event....I totally did better than I gave myself credit for and Evan...well he's hooked with me now!

Leaving Fouts Field and ready for more. (I like the sweat patches on his shirt..)

Nan & Gary brought Avery as Evan and I finished our last lap, it was so cute watching Avery run beside us around the final lap and get excited when we swung her in the air and carried her to the last step. She was a sight for some tired eyes.

I forgot to charge my camera so I only got 2 pictures of the entire morning. BOO. I wish I could share with you all the the mental pictures I have of the kiddos doing their victory laps, their theme was "Under the Big Tent" and they were dressed up as a Lion, Tiger, Animal Handler and a Princess. I started crying as soon as I saw little Owen dressed as a Lion being pushed on his bike by his mom to the finish line. And cheered for Liam as he sped past Evan and I in his electric wheelchair wearing a smile and a superman shirt with a bright pinwheel spinning in the breeze. Or even how Natalies family helped keep us motivated in their bright orange "Team Natalie" t-shirts every lap of the way. It was a good turn out today and I can't wait for next years event.

Oh and I must also add how the oh so wonderful Lisa Smith was there and signed the National Anthem as well as a song for us. What a joyful spirit she has! I have seen her at Women of Faith, Denton Bible and at a few other area events and she is just amazing and always smiling and happy and just loves what she does for the lord.

I'm pretty sure Evan and I will now be training for the Speedway 5k next and it will become our official first 5k. Nov. 13th seems pretty close suddenly. Eek!

I'll close for now. I hope you all enjoy your Saturday.
Love & Blessings,
Britt & Co.

Blog Title Here.

It's 1:35AM and I should be asleep like the majority of Texas is right now and yet...I'm wide awake. Not a good thing considering in 6 hours I'll be getting myself and Evan up and ready for our very first Fun Run at UNT. I know this is not a competitive run or even a simple 5k but for's just up there on a number of levels for me...

This is the start of goals I am achieving with my training to run a 5k. I've actually stuck with something for once and the feeling is totally worth some bad days and tears while panting up a street thinking I am insane or close to death for passerbys to laugh at and witness . THIS IS BIG FOR ME. I mean, not to toot my own negative self image horn here folks, but I never stick to a plan of action when it comes to bettering myself...I wimp out a LOT, I find reasons to give up and my goal ends up being a tub of ice cream and a week of "well, I failed again, go me!" Not to mention that as a mom, I hardly allow any time for myself (which a lot of moms are guitly of).

Todays event is also special to me. I posted in an earlier blog about The Little Light House-Denton and how incredible this program is and how it touches my heart. Mary (the director) is wonderful and she's very passionate about this program and all it offers to our community as well as the families of these sweet children. I watch these children interact in chapel with our MDO program, I see thier smiles during outside play, I hear their laughter from the hallway and occassionally get a wave as I walk by them, I've even spoken to some of the parents and am in awe of their stories. What sweet blessings God gives us.

I'm so excited to watch them do their victory laps today (some in costume). I'm excited to get my first t-shirt (new addiction alert!). I'm excited that my husband will be by my side in what looks likely to become a growing trend in my running regime. I'm excited to be able to say I didn't quit. I'm excited to put my saturday morning to a good use other than sleeping in. I'm excited about the happiness today will bring. I'm excited.

Hence why I can't sleep......

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Big Trip List

Alright, I got around to doing this finally even though this list is in my head and verbally stated with Evan on an almost weekly basis.
I must saying looking up information and "semi-planning" for these trips makes them look more achievable to me and gets me fired up! With a little saving here and there I think these trips could totally be done and a huge chunk of my bucket list crossed off. :)

*Top 5 Big Trip List*
(In no particular order)

#1-ENGLAND- I went when I was 15 for 2 weeks and had the best time ever, however, I was 15 and didn't understand how blessed I was to get to view so many places rich in history and my pictures have dwindled down in the past decade since I went. That trip was also when I had my very first seizure which many of you know I had for 7 years and never was diagnosed with epilepsy or a seizure disorder (just migraines and seizures for 7 years) so some of the first days are a bit foggy but the rest of the trip I remember in detail. Here are some of my reasons for wanting to go back..
*Organized Travel = Bliss
*Oh, Mister Darcy!
* Prince William- I can dream!
*London Calling

#2-JAPAN- I love this culture, the history (have I mentioned how I am a history nerd?), the food (they eat practically anything!) and the passion Japanese people have for life. I would love to go someday just to people watch.
*A modest tour
*My Husband and I's candy store
*The Gardens

#3- A Cruise- Alright I know this doesn't seem like a BIG TRIP however, Evan and I have never been on a cruise and I think it would be really cool to do one! One of these 3 would be ideal...
*Western Caribbean
*Disney Cruise? Um, YES PLEASE!

#4- HAWAII- Evan and I have agreed and are definitely going to do this but it's just seeing how much we can save up for it to determine if it'll be just the 2 of us or us and some family and a few close friends. We plan on going to Hawaii for our 10th Wedding Anniversary and renewing our vows, which I think would be amazing!
*Maui Me Again.
*Calgon, Take me away!
Again, we're still in the planning stages but I think Maui would be best.

#5- DISNEY WORLD- Evan and I went here on our Honeymoon and it was so much fun. I had never been before but Evan had. We stayed in the wilderness lodge for the first few days (next to a family of 5 no less, um, awkward but funny too) and then we moved to the Polynesian Resort which was AMAZING, I highly suggest doing the Luau (sooo good). We both want to go back and take Avery so that gives us a few years when she's big enough to actually ride the rides and semi-remember it :) Um, not to mention the Harry Potter Theme Park close by...*I admit I'm a dork*..
*When you wish upon a star...
*Other "must do's" in Orlando
*Too much fun in a 50 mile radius!

Hope you enjoy checking out the sites and maybe causing a travel bug in yourself. Let me know what you think or know of these trips, I literally have a binder full of information for each of these trips and we're already saving for 1 of them in the near future (Next summer) just depends on which is more cost efficient for what we have saved by then. :)

Have a great week!!
Love & Blessings,
Britt & Co.


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