Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Katie, Kasey, Avery & I at Jason and Amandas Wedding April 19, 2009 (Avery turned 4 months old) Little Miss Pout.

Chilling in her Bumbo.

Avery and her God-parents, Nick & Kate Box

Katie & Avery on Easter

It's been over 2 weeks since I made my plans to start gearing towards going to school. I even signed up for night classes and had my new schedule picked out and all...

I haven't gone to a single class. Worse yet, I haven't done any of my community service projects either.

I have no excuses to be honest, I even went the first night and was horrified to see that I was the oldest there! It freaked me out so bad that I left. I even hung around Babiesrus for an hour to make Evan think I went. He knew though, as soon as I walked in he asked me what was wrong and I confessed to him that I didn't go and awaited my lecture.

He just hugged me instead and told me to try again.

Of course though as we put Avery to bed that night and said our family prayers he said to Avery "And don't get discouraged over your mommy letting you down by not going to class tonight, she'll figure it out soon enough for you both."


Talk about the king of guilt trips. How much I needed that though, not so much as the hurt that sprang to my heart but for the sheer honest truth of it. I'm not doing this for me, I didn't set out to do it just for me. I'm doing this for her too.

I'll muster up some courage soon. I hope.

And in other news:

My sister drove in from NC last week. She's at an impasse and has come to TExas to figure out what exactly she wants in life. She is only 20. Last she saw Avery was when she was born so it's been fun seeing her and Avery playing together. She drove to Austin to stay with her adopted father for a few weekes then she'll be back with us.

We were in Austin this weekend too and it was so much fun. More pictures will come once I find my camera cable, but until then, enjoy some of other pics above.

Blessings on your week-



  1. i feel like i havent talked to you in forever and i miss you like crazy!

    ps- i have found myself calling owen "munchkin" and i know its because of you :)

  2. Pics are adorable! I really enjoyed our chat the other night! We should do that more often! Glad you're having a great weekend with your sis! Love ya!



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