Sunday, July 25, 2010


 A glimpse of my Cuties.

This past week has been quite delightful, I say delightful because it's mainly thanks to Avery. Here lately (past 9 days) she has decided to suprise me with a new word or phrase. Just out of the blue and at random. She makes me so proud! This week she showed us that she knows the following words:
Blue, Green, Yellow, Red, Please(with sign), More(with sign), Cup, "I love You", "Just Kidding",
"Mine"(ugh), "No Way",  "Good night" and todays shocker of "You move out of MY way"

Needless to say I have had my work cut out for me with her becoming so vocal and wanting to let me know every 2 seconds that she can say and use words just like her mommy.

We've also come up with a new silly game when Evan comes home from work. Avery likes to run up behind him and make "Clip clop" noises like a horse running and saying "GO!" as  she climbs aboard her own "Daddy Pony" who then chases me which makes her HYSTERICAL with laughter. I then in turn jump out of corners and dark rooms screaming "BOO!" or "I'm going to get you" and proceed to chase her and Evan around the house while she laughs like crazy. In the end mommy & daddy are exhausted on the floor or couch and she is bouncing on one of us to start the game all over. haha

She cracks me up.

We went on a few outings through our Playgroup this week. We checked out a petting Zoo in Irving that is only open June & July and is FREE. I really liked it but Avery wasn't in a mood to be friendly with the other girls in the group let alone listen to me so we missed much of it, plus we arrived 20 minutes late thanks to me. OY! The other moms were very sweet though and all in all it was a good time. This week we're trying a new play center, snow cones and maybe a splash park.

I'm almost finished with the First HP book, I know, I know. I am WAY behind but I own all the movies so far and I do love them but as a sweet friend told me, the books are better and have more to them that the movies skimp on. I start book 2 this week (hopefully).

I must confess here that I am lacking on something I swore I would start up again. Running. I have been getting up around 6:30am the past few days with the intention on putting on my shoes and going for a run. I'm NOT a runner at all but, I want to be. I read so many awesome blogs about it and have so many friends who do marathons and run daily for FUN and I want to do it too. I even signed up for a e-mail training program that helps teach you how to pace yourself and in 8 weeks go from barely running at all to a mile+ a day. Only problem is, Motivation! I get up, I even get dressed some mornings but then I either go back to sleep on the couch or start cleaning something.


I brought my sneakers with me to Denton, I may wake up in 5 hours and go for a walk/jog around the square. Here's hoping.....

Brittnye & Co.


  1. Here's the secret: Scare the crap out of yourself by signing up for a local 5k this fall. Once you've spent money on it, it's hard to justify slacking off :o) Plus, the first month of getting into it is the hardest, I promise!

  2. don't forget... YOU: "i love you Avery!" AVERY: "like wise." lol

  3. I forgot about that! haha that was funny.

  4. I feel you. Andy and I have been slacking since the move--these PA hills are killer! But I started out not being able to run for a minute at a time, and now I can do 2 miles--WITH PA HILLS! For us, keeping track of our progress was the ONLY thing that worked. When I would look at what we did last week, and what we were going to do the next, it kept me going . . . good luck!



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