Monday, September 28, 2009

It Starts....

I have officially begun my planning for Avery's 1st birthday party......

I have 12 weeks before the event but am already making lists and making budgets and figuring out what to have there in case of any situation. Have I mentioned the guest list as of now is around 100?! Yeah, I'm aware over 50% will not come due to Christmas being 6 days beforehand as well as those scared of children and that I am inviting people out of state whom I wish could be with us but know they will not travel so far just for cupcakes and games.

I feel like one of those over the top parents that I make fun of....HA!

Wanna see what I have so far? Check this out......
Averys Party Set Up 

Avery's Birthday Outfit

See what I mean?!

1 comment:

  1. How sweet!! You could get Avery's birthday outfit MUCH cheaper on, just FYI if you were looking for way to save some dough and still have the most ultra cute tutu in the world!

    I love the Hello Kitty idea, super fun!

    Xmas is in 12 weeks, my gracious!!!



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