Friday, January 15, 2010

Well whaadya know....I lived.

I somehow managed 7 days without a cell phone or internet *insert gasp*. I know, how much of a trooper am I? The phone will still be off until next week and frankly, I'm getting okay with that...the quiet I have gotten  has been nice. The internet part was needed because I realized last week that I spend WAY too much time on FB and often not enough time with my family. So, I didn't check my email, or google things, blog, update statuses, tweet or read gossip and guess what....

I had a wonderful week.

I also found that my sweet daughter is amazing and we have a lot of fun together when mommy isn't constantly going for her phone. I also took time in my day and planned dinner out and cooked nice healthy meals, I went on a few walks with Avery, I cleaned my house (repeatedly, I DO have a 1 year old), I picked up a few books, I hung out with my husband (yeah thats right, hung out) and I even took naps!

This week I also watched a documentary on KERA World about these amazing people who sing together. I watched it 3 times throughout the week actually, and I cried eveytime and was in awe of there Vivaciousness so to speak and on how simplistic they were about life and what makes it a wonderful thing. It got my head spinning and I have to say it doesn't take much if you follow their way of thinking.

Check out their website:

I have to say that if I ever get to live to be 92, I want to be just like Eileen Hall . She had the best sense of humor and was quick witted and loved everything to the fullest. When I went to their website I couldn't find her on the updated roster since the film was from 2007 so I'm left to wonder if she passed as a few did since 2007 or did she simply stop singing in the chorus (doubtful).

YouTube Young at heart chorus. They are amazing. Evan loves the Cold play "fix you" rendition.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Well, back to reality.

I literally spent 6 hours in my classroom today freaking out over what to do now that myself and the kids are back. They return Thursday and today I got to restart everything (Literally). I no longer have a shared class, it's mine all mine and the other teacher took EVERYTHING off the walls. So......

I got creative.

I'll post some pictures up this weekend. (just realized I don't have my camera on me, sorry)

I also must commend teachers and all they do. Lesson planning is the pits and all I do is teach 4 years olds the ABC's and 123's for crying out loud. Well, that and Scripture...that's the easy part.

For all my non Texas pals out there....this week the highs are in the 30's here except for Thursday and Friday where they will be in the upper 20's and lows in the TEENS yeah, TEENS. We Texans don't mesh well with frigid cold.

I'm also starting the house hunt again, I can not stand it here anymore...Denton is home until Evan takes the journey to Grad school then maybe out of state for a year or two just to say we did it. Eithier way, this whole not having anyone here for friends and the commuting and all the in betweens is just reaffirming that God is setting us up a nice rent house in Denton so we can be with all our friends and family.

Nothing much to post today, sorry. I had a rough day with Avery yesterday...I was told she wouldn't be getting shots at her 1 year check up and guess who got 4 in a row followed by lab work...yeah, my sweet girl did and I didn't give her motrin beforehand...OIY! She napped hard but once she woke up her legs hurt so bad she just screamed and wanted to be held. *Insert tortured face here*

We also have to take her to see an Opthamalogist (sp?) for her eyes since we have noticed her shaking her head a lot and her Pedi thinks it might be double vision or blurred vision after she focuses on something...I'll take that over a vitamin issue any day.

Well, Back to Fort Worthless...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Picture Post to list the Latest....

Life is Busy. Life is Sweet.

We hope you al had a wonderful Christmas and Safe New Years. Things will be winding down soon enough for the Hartfields and I may get in to the swing of updating better. Here are some pics to show how our Dec. has been. Enjoy!

-Britt, Evan and Avery..

Dec 19th-
Avery turned 1! Thanks for all the Love, Prayers, Cards, Gifts and sweet Messages to her, I know she won't remember it but it will truly be a day I cherish always.

Birthday Girl.

She loved her smash cake!

Dec. 24-25th-
It actually SNOWED in Texas. It's rare and hardly ever sticks but we got a WHITE Christmas. It was beyond beautiful and such a treat for Avery who had never seen Snow. We loved playing in it..

The essence of Christmas and Childhood innocense captured.

Santa came!!

Dec 30th-
Evan and I celebrated out 4th wedding Anniversay. Can I just say it was such a GREAT night and it's weird to think we have now been married for 4 years, together for 6 and friends for 10!!!!

We look forward to see what happens in to 2010 for our family, 2009 was beyond full of blessings and adventures and more then I can honestly believe I was given. We love you all!!

Evan, Brittnye & Avery.


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