Monday, June 28, 2010

Why can't we all just...get along?

This Man Right Here...Makes Me Ridiculously Happy.

Evan and I have had so much going on this Summer, which is funny seeing as I thought for sure it would be the slowest few months while I'm not working.'s nonstop around here. Not that I'm complaining about it, I love all the events happening and daily adventures with people we love.

With everything going on though Evan has made it a point lately to let me know I'm appreciated and it's beyond sweet. He's been so supportive this year with things I'm dealing with and the past 2 weeks have been emotionally nerve-racking and stressful for me as I tend to some realities I honestly didn't want to face with my family. There have been several occasions where he'll catch me in a fog and will tell me about something I'm dealing with and it's like he's reading my mind! It's been so helpful and reassuring and add that to the dates he's been taking me on plus more alone time and family time at home and it's like a re-vamp for our marriage (not that we were in a slump or anything, we're beyond good).

It's so wonderful having somebody just GET YOU. Being reassured you are not alone while fighting the good fight and having someone love you so completly that it's sometimes overwhelmingly impossible to understand what you did right to get that love...

Wanna see what's been occupying my last 5 days?

Avery 18months   Chevy 13months

Yep, 2 toddlers only 5 months apart and quite a handful. I don't know how you moms of 2 kiddos do it! It took me 2 days to get a schedule down and master feedings and diapers in record time and without tears. Haha, I've loved it though, my nephew is so sweet and quiet but when he gets in a silly mood he is such a HAM! Avery has had her moments of being a BULLY which has me not too happy but she also has shown tender moments of comfort and love to Chevy that make me wonder how strong a bond these two have. They are the cutest cousins ever!

*Hops on SoapBox*
Chevy will more than likely become a huge part of our weekends if not more. Please pray for his parents and for Evan and I as we do what is necessary in helping them as well as Chevy. My heart tells me I'm in the right in this situation but my mind is still weary of being labeled the bad guy and starting conflict with my family. I'm not in a good position right now but at the same time, look at that precious boy and tell me you wouldn't step in and help him if he needed it!? Children need nurturing, love, comfort, safety, education, laughter, nutrition, structure and God's love and a plethora of other things DAILY and if Gods telling me Evan and I are the ones to give it, then so be it.

My brother isn't around for the time being and has told me how he feels and is supportive and for me and Evan, that's all that needs to be said! I say the majority of this for some select family members who may read this in the hopes you get a better understanding of where my heart is. I'm not trying to hurt anyone, I'm not trying to be "Holier than thou", I'm not trying to replace his parents, I'm merely doing what ANY mother would do for a child. Love them. Protect them. Guide Them. It's not his fault his parents can't properly take care of him and I don't see anyone else offering to do what we are.

My brother and I have too many scars on our hearts and minds from an early childhood where people didn't step in soon enough, why put our children through that!? It's ridiculous for some of you to say the things you have but rest assured I forgive you and hold nothing personally because if the roles were reversed and I was looking in, I may say the same thing but I would also learn the facts and ask questions before assuming things and opening my mouth.

*Hops off Soapbox*

I'm sorry if this post is full of blahness, but if people won't listen, use other tools to get information to them! In my case, it's this blog. Here's hoping it takes the edge off....

Love & Blessings-
Brittnye, Evan & Avery

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I feel like I have nothing to blog about except for the same mundane things I always blog about.

Have I bored my readers away?

Is this thing on?


Saturday, June 12, 2010


Life has been more than busy lately. Here I thought the summer would be uneventful but alas, it hasn't been. Sorry for my lack of blog-ness, I assure you I have plenty to blog about but lately, I just haven't had the time!!

The past 2 weeks have been packed for us and even this weekend we have much going on, next week looks fun as well.

Evans mother's side of the fam-fam hosted a family reunion June 4-6th at the Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, TX. Hands down a VERY fun place for families but not for those with small children (under 2) or for those on tight budgets!  Avery loved the water, Evan and his dad were like little boys going down the slides and the lazy river was anything but lazy with kids aiming water buckets high above your head!!! I've posted pictures on FB, so be sure to check them out. It was a LOT of fun and very much needed. We're talking about making it a fun date night for us (for the arcade, and dining places) in the future and for a family outing when Avery is over 48inches tall and can do more than one area out of all the neat things they had. I'm now working on getting a address book done with all the families information, there were 35 of us gathered and it was neat to meet so many new family members on Evans side. The last reunion they had was before Jarrod was born (1989!) Other than that everytime they got together was at a funeral which is not where you have a good time together.

We got home Sunday night where I plugged my phone in to power up and then started laundry...around 1am my phone pretty much explodes with voicemails and missed calls from my sister Jackye. I didn't think much of it and decided to check the messages in the morning because we were all sunburned and exhausted. So around 11am Monday my sister calls me and I answer thinking she wanted to hang out since she gets bored home all day and is my babysitter plus, she was being induced on Thursday so she was getting excited come to find out my sister was in the hospital in labor and had been admitted Sunday around NOON!

I felt so bad after I got off the phone with Kris (future bro-in law) and checked all 5 messages of Jackye in different aspects of labor asking me to call her and to come to her and how she really wanted to talk to me! (kinda funny hearing the panic in each message actually) As soon as Avery woke from her nap we drove to the hospital and arrived right as Jackye started to push. I told her to tell the nurses that her sisters record was 6 pushed in 25minutes, yeah what a show off, she did it in 3 pushes about 10 minutes!!!

So Monday, June 7th at 1:30PM weighing in at 5lbs 6oz and 17inches long my NIECE Krystal Renae Beall was finally here!
I'm such a Proud Auntie!

I'm proud of my sister, she did amazing and looked ridiculously good after having a baby, not to mention she'll be back to a size 2 in no time (ew!). Whatever.

Needless to say with all that excitement in 3 days it made the week full of fun.

The rest is all helping friends move, mom and dads yard sale, a farewell party tonight to an amazing couple who I will miss dearly and heading to Pilot Point to see a movie out on their square with them fam fam.

Love & Blessings-
Britt & co.


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