Most of you know I started running this summer and had hopes of doing a 5k to get me going for a half marathon by next spring. I was doing really good for several months, lost weight, got motivated, did a fun run and then Avery got a virus and was out for several weeks and I couldn't get the free time to go run so I haven't been running in over a month now! I also had one serious shoes. The running shoes I had were from my sophomore year in HIGH SCHOOL. Yeah, been awhile since I bought sneakers and they were not the best for me in my runs. Well, I officially get to throw them away now!
I also got this amazing gadget I have yet to own in my kitchen!!!
Yup, a PINK food processor. I have so many recipes I haven't been able to use at home because I didn't have a food processor. Needless to say I may want to reopen my foodie blog now since I'll be in the kitchen even more than usual.
I also got these cool gifts from my loved ones, again I am one
So Needless to say I was on the GOOD list this year. :)
Evans Aunt and cousin fly in today and his uncle and other cousin are driving in later in the evening so we're getting a belated Christmas gift since we don't get to see them often. Plus, we're going to see our sweet friends the Richardsons who moved away to Pittsburgh so this week will be a wonderful one full of events.
On the Evan front- Pray for him as he continues to let Gods will be down. Things are already taking shape and I am praying to be patient and not get my hopes up too much. Whatever happens is meant to happen and I am proud of my husband regardless of the outcome and soon I'll be able to share some of the big changes taking shape for our family.
I hope you all were Blessed with wonderful traditions, family time and lots of food and laughter this Christmas, hard to believe the New year is less than a week away!
Blessings & Love-